
Veronika Králíková

Faculty of Business and Economics, Mendel University in Brno, Czech republic

Veronika Králíková is a Ph.D. student from Faculty of Business and Economics, Mendel University in Brno, Czech republic. She started to deal with academic integrity during writing her diploma thesis. The research contract was about cheating in the Czech republic and it was the first survey on this topic, which was made in this country. Now she is project manager of Global Essay Mills Survey, which project, that will survey students across Europe, Australia and the America. She is also part of the team working for the European Network for Academic Integirty – ENAI.

Oliver Trevisiol

University of Konstanz, Germany

Dr. Oliver Trevisiol is a subject librarian for history and education at the Communication, Information, Media Centre (KIM), University of Konstanz, Germany. He is also responsible for activities related to the prevention of plagiarism and digitization. He received his PhD in history form University of Konstanz in 2004.

Loreta Tauginiene

Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania

Loreta Tauginienė is Associate Professor in Ethics Management and Head of Academic Ethics Centre at Mykolas Romeris University (MRU). Her research interests are research policy, academic/research integrity, social responsibility of higher education institutions, public engagement, and responsible research and innovation. Lately, she engaged in European projects that focus on responsible research and innovation (e.g. Res-Agora), public engagement innovations (e.g. PE2020) in the field of ‘Science in Society’ and academic integrity (e.g. ENAI). This experience led her to work with emerging concepts such as Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). She has published about 15 scientific works, including collaboration with Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI (Germany) about responsible research and innovation, and Edward Elgar Publishing (USA) about grounded theory for corporate social responsibility research. Simultaneously, she has given presentations on academic ethics at international and national conferences. In 2012 and 2015-2016, she co-carried out investigations on academic ethics at MRU. Furthermore, she is a co-organizer of the international conference “Shaping Ethics in Academia and Society” (MRU, Vilnius, Lithuania). In addition to this, Loreta is a Board member of the European Network for Academic Integrity.

Shiva Sivasubramaniam

Nottingham Trent University, UK

Dr Shiva Sivasubramaniam is a group leader for pharmacology in Nottingham Trent University. He is also a fellow of Higher Education Academy (FHEA) and Institute of Biomedical science (FIBMS). As a student focussed educator, his research interests include blended learning activities using students as partners, peer-assisted learning with problem solving skill development, and laboratory-linked enquiry based learning activities. Most importantly he has developed and delivered several workshops to address the issue of plagiarism to the academic/student communities. He is an active member of European Network of Academic Integrity and published several manuscripts on plagiarism prevention, ways to address contract cheating.

Ansgar Schäfer

University of Konstanz, Germany

Ansgar Schäfer, plagiarism prevention specialist at the Communication, Information, Media Centre, University of Konstanz/Germay. Many years of experience in research, teaching, training, tutoring, and project management. Didactical qualifications with a focus on student assessment and educational design; member of the university’s commission for academic misconduct. Responsible for the development of teaching and learning material, trainings, and organisational change. Independent Consultant on plagiarism prevention and Council of Europe.

Laura Ribeiro

University of Porto, Portugal

Laura Ribeiro is Professor of Biochemistry at Faculty of Medicine of U. Porto (FMUP) since 1999 and also of Humanities in Medicine. She holds a PhD in Human Biology. She coordinates the Master Course Academic and Clinical Education and the curricular unitsIntegrated Master Thesis Project and Academic integrity of the Master Degree in Medicine as units of PhD courses. Researcher at Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde (I3S) U. Porto, member of the Scientific and Editorial Council of the U. Porto Editions and Director of the International Relations and Mobility Office. Member of ENAI-European Network for Academic Integrity.

Salim Razı

Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Turkey

Salim Razı is the vice dean at the Faculty of Education, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University in Canakkale, Turkey. He works as an assistant professor and is the head of the English Language Teaching Department where he trains English as a foreign language teachers and offers graduate courses. He is a Board member of the European Network for Academic Integrity. He developed ‘Transparent academic writing rubric’ to enable more reliable assessment in academic writing. His recent research focuses on detecting and preventing plagiarism in academic writing through his ‘Anonymous multi mediated writing model’ that he was awarded the Turnitin Global Innovation Award in 2015.

Milan Ojsteršek

University of Maribor, Slovenia

Milan Ojsteršek received the PhD degree in computer science from the University of Maribor in 1994. He is a head of Laboratory for Heterogeneous Computer Systems at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. His research focuses on digital libraries, open access, natural language processing, plagiarism detection and academic integrity.

Angeliki Kokkinaki

UNIC Nicosia, Cyprus

Prof. Angelika Kokkinaki is Professor in Information Systems and serves as the MBA Director at the University of Nicosia.

She has extensive experience in inter- and intra- organizational information systems, including e-business, e-government, e-learning and e-nnovation.

She has worked as researcher and lecturer in USA, UK and the Netherlands. She has participated in 20+ national and EU funded programs and has published over 90 articles in journals and conferences. She holds Ph.D., Computer Science, University of Louisiana at Lafayette (ULL), Lafayette, LA, USA (1995), M.Sc., Computer Science, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA (1991) and 5-year curriculum Diploma, Computer Engineering and Informatics from Patras University (1987).

She is a Chartered Engineer (Technical Chamber of Greece, 1987) and an accredited Project Manager (MIT Professional Programs, 1998). She has been elected as the President of the Cyprus chapter of AIS (www.aisnet.org) and the Executive Secretary of the Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, an AIS affiliated conference. She is the national co-ordinator of ennovation, that is, an EU-wide digital innovation competition (http://ennovation.gr/).

Prof. Kokkinaki holds the Chair of the Organization Committee of the Digital Championship initiative in Cyprus, a virtual organization consisting of all public and private Universities in Cyprus, 3 Ministries, the Research Promotion Foundation and many private sector representatives (http://web.cut.ac.cy/digitalchampion/).

Styliani Kleanthous

UNIC Nicosia, Cyprus

Dr. Styliani Kleanthous is currently employed at the University of Nicosia as part-time lecturer at the Department of Management and MIS, and University of Cyprus at the Department of Computer Science as a visiting lecturer and post-doctoral researcher. Styliani has completed her graduate studies at the University of Salford, UK (M.Sc. in Information Systems, 2005) and received her Ph.D. in 2010, at the University of Leeds, UK, in the area of User and Community Modelling, Personalization and Adaptive Systems. Styliani’s main research interests and expertise are mostly concentrated in the area of Human Computer Interaction, and specializes in exploiting psychological and social theories for modelling user preferences, for designing intelligent interaction and adaptive user support. She has published over 20 papers in journals and scientific conferences, co-organised a number of international workshops and has given numerous presentations. Since 2004 she has been involved in different UK and EU-funded research projects for establishing requirements, modelling users and providing adaptive support for collaboration, learning, medical data analysis and identifying innovation networks (Edukalibre, DICODE, BRAIN). Styliani has also been actively involved in the H2020 GrowMeUp project.

Borut Holcman

University of Maribor, Slovenia

Borut Holcman, Ph. D., Associate Professor, University of Maribor, Faculty of Law, Head of Institute for Philosophy, History and Iconography of Law.

Borut Holcman, izredni prof., dr. Predstojnik Inštituta za filozofijo, zgodovino in ikonografijo prava, Pravna fakulteta, Univerza v Mariboru. borut.holcman@um.si

Irene Glendinning

Coventry University, UK

Dr Irene Glendinning worked first as a computer scientist and then as a teacher before joining Coventry University as a lecturer in 1990. After undertaking a series of programme management roles, in 2007 she was appointed Academic Manager for Student Experience for the faculty of Engineering and Computing.

Since then she has led and contributed to several important research projects in the field of educational research including equality and diversity, empowerment of students with disabilities, student employability and pedagogy for effective learning. Her recent research has focused on strategies for academic integrity, particularly concerning how to design workable institutional policies that deter student cheating and encourage a culture of scholarly learning.

She was principal investigator for the EU funded project Impact of Policies for Plagiarism in Higher Education across Europe (IPPHEAE 2010-13) and more recently a partner on the South-East European Project for Academic Integrity (SEEPPAI) funded by the Council of Europe. She is vice-president of the European Network for Academic Integrity (ENAI) and actively involved in the ENAI project.

Dr Glendinning is currently starting a year-long global study for the CHEA International Quality Group (CIQG) into how accreditation and quality assurance bodies are addressing corruption in higher education.

She is now based in the Office of Teaching and Learning at Coventry University. Irene is actively involved in Computing at School (CAS), external examining and professional activities for BCS at local and national levels.

Tomáš Foltýnek

Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic

Tomáš Foltýnek is a vice-dean for international affairs at the Faculty of Business and Economics, Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic. He has been dealing with plagiarism since 2008. He was involved in EU-funded project “Impact of policies for plagiarism in higher education across Europe” and has organized conferences and workshops about plagiarism since 2013. He is a member of the Ethical committee of the Higher education council in the Czech Republic and member of Steering group of Pan-European Platform for Ethics, Transparency and Integrity in Education established by the Council of Europe. He is president of the Board of the European Network for Academic Integrity.

Dita Dlabolová

Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic

Dita Dlabolová works as assistant at Department of Informatics at MENDELU and teaches computer science courses, she is one of the founding members of MENDELU academic integrity group. She participated in the Impact of Plagiarism Policies in Higher Education Across Europe project (IPPHEAE) and in South East European Project on Policies for Academic Integrity, and currently in project European Network for Academic Integrity (ENAI). In May 2017 she was elected as a member of auditing group of ENAI.

She was a co-organiser of the conference “Plagiarism across Europe and beyond” in 2013, 2015 and 2017, her role was communication responsible, in 2015 and 2017 she was a part of the reviewing team.

Marco Cosentino

University of Insubria, Italy

Marco Cosentino is Professor of Medical Pharmacology at the University of Insubria since 2001. He holds a MD cum laude, University of Pavia (1990) and a PhD in Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Turin (1996). Present appointments at the University of Insubria include: director of the Center for Reseach in Medical Pharmacology, director of the School of Specialization in Medical Pharmacology, Coordinator of the PhD program in Experimental and Clinical Medicine and Medical Humanities, Coordinator of the graduate School on Methodology, Ethics and Integrity in Biomedical Research. He served in several Ethics Commitees for human and animal experimental research and contributed to writing the Academic Ethics Code of the University of Insubria. Prof. Cosentino is co-responsible for teaching research integrity issues to PhD students and early stage researchers, as well as for optional seminars for MD students about integrity and conflict of interest in biomedical research. Prof. Cosentino is delegate for the University of Insubria to the ENAI – European Network for Academic Integrity (http://www.academicintegrity.eu/).