

Sreda, 13. September, 2017



Predavalnica ALPHA

(objekt G2, 1. nadstropje)

Univerza v Mariboru – Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko, Koroška cesta 46, Maribor, Slovenija

9.00 – 10.30

Irene Glendinning, Coventry University, United Kingdom: Academic Integrity: Ensuring good academic practice – Workshop for academic staff


This workshop aims:

  • To promote good practice for module tutors and project supervisors.
  • To clarify policy and procedures for deterring and detecting cases of student academic misconduct.
  • To encourage dialogue about measures for reducing cases of plagiarism, academic dishonesty, collusion, ghost writing
  • To foster a culture of good practice regarding student support and plagiarism/misconduct prevention measures.
  • To collect ideas and good practice to share with others


10.30 – 11.00


11.00 – 13.00

Laura Ribeiro, University of Porto, Portugal, Shiva Sivasubramaniam, Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom, Marco Cosentino, University of Insubria, Italy:: Methodology, ethics and integrity in biomedical research


AimsTo propose and discuss possible interventions aimed at increasing the awareness ofmedical students and physicians towards the critical role of scientific research for the advancement of biomedicine, to empower physicians regarding their potential to engage in preclinical/clinical research and to tackle to “reproducibility crisis” which is undermining the credibility of science in general and in particular of biomedical research (see e.g.

Educational objectives

The workshop will address three critical levels of training:

  1. undergraduate training at medical schools;
  2. postgraduate residency training with regard to the MD-PhD transition;
  3. a training programme for physicians already integrated into the health system and aiming at added value to their professional and career opportunities through specific training into biomedical research.

Topics covered


  1. Research integrity: what is it and why should we care about it?
  2. Research misconduct: what is it and how to deal with it?
  3. Promoting research integrity issues;
  4. How to deal with concepts of scientific integrity;
  5. The conflict of interest in biomedical research.

Other possible specific areas/topics:

(i) Preclinical research and laboratory animal care use;

(ii) Human subject research and institutional review boards;

(iii) Publish or perish;

(iv) Understanding biomedical research papers.

Prezentacija | Gradivo

13.00 – 13.45


(Lokacija: Univerza v Mariboru – Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko, Koroška cesta 46, Maribor, Slovenija)

13.45 – 14-30

Shiva Sivasubramaniam, Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom: Detecting plagiarism – How hard is it?


This 45 minute slot would discuss the borderline cases of plagiarism cases based on Tunitin® scores.

Prezentacija | Gradivo



(1. nadstropje)

Univerzitetna knjižnica Maribor, Gospejna ulica 10, Maribor, Slovenija

9.00 – 10.30

Dita Dlabolová, Mendel University in Brno: Where is the borderline of plagiarism?


The workshop is a mixture of information, activities to make participants think about the issues and discussions. It also presents results from European-wide survey about plagiarism.We will talk about understanding of plagiarism and academic dishonesty, discuss several scenarios and assess their severity. We will also consider reasons leading students to plagiarism, and discuss measures for prevention, policies and penalties and share personal experience of workshop participants.

Prezentacija | Gradivo

10.30 – 11.00


11.00 – 12.30

Oliver Trevisiol, Ansgar Schäfer, University of Konstanz, Germany: Plagiarism prevention – what can librarians do?


We invite library staff (and staff from other research support services) to reflect, discuss and get to know their (potential) role regarding plagiarism prevention. Libraries may contribute already by offering courses and other educational measures such as “how to find sources”, “literature and knowledge management” as well as “information literacy”. In addition to that other support activities are requested by scholars and student: advice, answers, materials, etc.During this workshop we will present experiences from the project for plagiarism prevention “Refairence”. This includes reasons, why libraries are involved in the topic, recommended measures and possible reactions and offers to the needs requested by different stakeholders within the university.

Prezentacija | Gradivo

12.30 – 13.30


(Lokacija: Univerza v Mariboru – Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko, Koroška cesta 46, Maribor, Slovenija)

13.30 – 14.15

Salim Razi, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Turkey: Benefiting from anonymous multi mediated writing model to avoid plagiarism


Plagiarism is simply defined as using other people’s ideas or words without citing appropriately and as novice authors, students either undergraduate or graduate, are under the risk of being accused of plagiarism more than the others. A text-matching software aims to help writing instructors detect and prevent plagiarism; however, its implementation does not necessarily result in better academic writing skills. Recently, text-matching software market has addressed this issue and integrated several features with the hope of assisting student-authors to develop their writing skills in addition to awareness regarding plagiarism concerns. Within this perspective, this session will present how to implement ‘anonymous multi-mediated writing model’ on a text-matching software that aims at amelioration in writing skills in addition to avoidance of plagiarism.




Predavalnica BREDE FILO

(1. nadstropje)

Univerzitetna knjižnica Maribor, Gospejna ulica 10, Maribor, Slovenija

9.00 – 10.30

Stella Kleanthous and Angeliki Kokkinaki, UNIC Nicosia, Cyprus: Designing and developing an online course for Academic Integrity


Based on an open Learning Management System (LMS), an open educational framework towards promotion of academic integrity has been designed and developed for internal purposes at the University of Nicosia. The educational framework has been designed based on principles of constructivism and promotes active involvement of the learners in order to develop skills and competences that prevent plagiarism. Gamification has also been employed in the learning process. The open educational resources include presentations, self-assessment tools, videos, serious games etc. The structure of the open educational framework is based on three main axes. First, there is emphasis on providing information on plagiarism in many directions and in many different formats to cover different learning schemes. The second axis includes activities that support assessment or self-assessment processes. Finally, the third axis focuses on the evaluation of the learning process of the proposed open educational environment. Based on this experience we propose a workshop that will encompass concepts and best practices of the design and development of an online course on Academic Integrity.


10.30 – 11.00


11.00 – 12.30

Irene Glendining, Coventry University, United Kingdom: Academic Writing – Guidance for students on Research and Academic Integrity


The workshop for students will cover:

  • good study habits and writing skills,
  • understanding referencing and citation conventions and using these appropriately,
  • the importance of academic integrity,
  • finding good quality information sources and assessing reliability of information,
  • understanding the expectations and requirements of assessors.


12.30 – 13.30


(Lokacija: Univerza v Mariboru – Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko, Koroška cesta 46, Maribor, Slovenija)



Četrtek, 14. September, 2017




Ministrastvo za izobraževanje, znanost in šport, Masarykova 16, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija

9.00 – 9.15

Pozdravni nagovor

9.15 – 9.45

Borut Holcman, Univerza v Mariboru, Slovenija: In Vaš/Tvoj etični IQ je: spoštovani intelektualec?


V strokovni literaturi s področja izobraževanja in raziskovalne dejavnosti ne moremo mimo IQ vrednotenja posameznikove sposobnosti dojemanja stvarnosti. V mnoštvu oblik, ki jih šole, centri za psihološko diagnosticiranje in ljudska presoja uporabljajo, je inteligentnost. Temeljni sta, vsaj tako sledi iz strokovne literature, konvergentna in divergentna inteligentnost in s tem povezana prožnost ali togost inteligentnosti merjenega.

Je mogoče “naklon” inteligentnosti določiti s količinskimi metodami? Stroka se nagiba k ugotovitvam, da nikdar ne bo noben profesor ugotovil in psiholog izmeril nekaj, kar je stvar subjektivne presoje – gre namreč za kakovost, ki je izhodišče za razumevanje sveta v primerjavi s količinsko predpostavko.

Glasbena inteligentnost (razpoznava geometrijo zvoka in omogoča spoznavanje utrip stvaritve: ubranost, neubranost, zven), jezikovna inteligentnost (ne prepoznava besede v njeni pomenski mnogovrstnosti, mehansko prenaša izraz ali besedno zgradbo iz enega jezika v drugega, zelo hitro lahko pri tem spregledamo, da je nekdo poliglot, pa niti najmanj ne upošteva antropoloških razlik in zgodovinskih okoliščin), logično matematična inteligentnost (dojema stvari kot odnose in števila, stvari postanejo razumljive šele v “raz-loženi” – razviti obliki /Platon je to dobro vedel, izročilo pravi, da je dal na zatrep akademije zapisati: “Semkaj naj ne vstopa, kdor ni zemljemerec!”/), prostorska inteligentnost, telesna inteligentnost, psihološka inteligentnost – čustvena inteligentnost (plemenitost svojih strasti, …) in etična inteligentnost.

Sodobna inteligentnost, dosledno razvijana v znamenju tehnike, je omejena na uporabo preračunljivega in izključno funkcionalnega mišljenja, kar pa vodi k opuščanju vsega, kar ni neposredno tehnično uporabno.

Etična inteligentnost, inteligentnost prihodnosti (Gardner, Weinstein), je področje, ki presega “načelo” lastne vesti in področje omejeno z lastnimi interesi. Je področje, ki skrbi za skupnost in postaja odločilno načelo.

Zakaj ne pravo in zakaj etično načelo, zato, ker ima opraviti z družbenimi standardi z razliko od morale, ki se nanaša na osebna prepričanja, etično je vezano na sekularno, morala na religiozno in ker so etične sodbe absolutne in objektivne, moralne so relativne in subjektivne. In zakaj etično ni sprejemljivo? Zaradi SKR – strahu, koristi in razpoloženja. Strah nas je, da bomo z etičnim ravnanjem in govorjenjem postali nezanimivi, z etičnim ravnanjem morebiti ogrozimo svoj položaj – povedati, da je ideja vaša (različne izhodiščne pozicije: asistent, raziskovalec, vodja projekta). Kratkotrajna, trenutna korist – prioriteta. Kako težko je izključiti lastno razpoloženje iz subjektivnega dojemanja prostora. In zato etika in ne pravo. Pravo namreč zahteva, da ravnamo prav in to zaradi avtoritete zakona, strahu pred sodiščem, pred rektorjem, etično ravnamo zaradi avtoritete vrednote.

Samo izobraženci so lahko etični? So res?

Zavedati se moramo, da je akademski prostor crem de la crem družbe.

Kakor velja pravilo za francoske sodnike: noblesse oblige (plemenitost zavezuje) – vsakdo je dolžan ravnati skladno s položajem in ugledom, ki ga ta predpostavlja.

In kakšen je etični IQ akademikov v slovenskem prostoru?

9.45 – 10.15

Milan Ojsteršek, Univerza v Mariboru, Slovenija: Akademska integriteta in plagiarizem na slovenskih akademskih inštitucijah


Nacionalno infrastrukturo odprtega dostopa ( več o infrastrukturi najdete na sestavljajo nacionalni portal, institucionalni repozitoriji slovenskih univerz, repozitorij samostojnih visokošolskih in višješolskih organizacij in repozitorij slovenskih raziskovalnih organizacij, ki niso del slovenskih univerz. Repozitoriji omogočajo dostop do zaključnih del študija in publikacij raziskovalcev ter raziskovalnih podatkov vključenih akademskih inštitucij. Nacionalni portal agregira vsebine iz repozitorijev in drugih slovenskih zbirk (trenutno iz Digitalne knjižnice Slovenije, VideoLectures.NET, Arhiva družboslovnih podatkov, repozitorija SciVie, Digitalne knjižnice Ministrstva za obrambo, revij SAZU…) za potrebe skupnega iskalnika, priporočilnega sistema ter detektorja podobnih vsebin. V času vzpostavljanja infrastrukture, smo na univerzah vzpostavili pravne podlage, ki omogočajo izvajanje procesov vstavljanja zaključnih nalog študentov in publikacij raziskovalcev. Ena od pomembnih funkcionalnosti nacionalne infrastrukture je detektor podobnih vsebin, ki se uporablja za ugotavljanja podobnosti vstavljenih gradiv z drugimi gradivi, ki so na voljo na internetu. V predstavitvi bomo najprej predstavili tehnične lastnosti infrastrukture in procese, ki smo jih vzpostavili na slovenskih univerzah na področju ozaveščanja, preventive in ugotavljanja plagiatorstva. Na koncu predstavitve bomo predstavili analizo podobnosti testnega korpusa dokumentov, ki so bili objavljeni na akademskih inštitucijah po letu 2000.

10.15 – 10.30

Tomáš Foltýnek, Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic: How to improve academic integrity of your institution with European Network of Academic Integrity


European Network of Academic integrity ( is pan European consortium which promotes integrity in whole academia (i.e. education, research and other aspects of academic sector), specifically:

  • to collaborate towards research and promotion of academic integrity,
  • to provide a platform for academics across all sectors to investigate, exchange, develop, collaborate and access resources in the field of academic integrity,
  • to offer opportunities for researchers, educators and practitioners to take a leadership role in the field of academic integrity,
  • to present best practices in the management of academic integrity,
  • to make available a central point of reference where issues of academic integrity can be discussed, researched, progressed and shared with the wider academic community,
  • to organize conferences, workshops and other events on academic integrity
  • to network and collaborate with individuals and organisations actively pursuing related research,
  • to collaborate towards research,
  • to appreciate individual and institutional efforts regarding academic integrity by offering awards.


10.30- 11.00

Irene Glendinning, Coventry University, United Kingdom: Strategies for enhancing academic integrity


The presentation for senior managers and academic teachers will cover:

  • The importance of integrity in education and research.
  • Developing a strategy for institutional integrity.
  • Characteristics of effective institutional policies and procedures.
  • Discussions on local requirements and variations.


11.00 – 11.30

Cofee break

11.00- 11.30

Loreta Tauginiene, Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania: Building ethics infrastructure in academia


It is aimed to raise awareness on two approaches of building ethics infrastructure in educational setting. Value-led and compliance approaches will be addressed with illustrative examples.


11.30 – 12.00

Shiva Sivasubramaniam, Nottingham Trent University, United Kingdom: Bioethics versus moral ethics – You decide


This presentation would engage the teacher/medical students in discussing 6 different scenarios (examples) of difficult ethical issues to show the ethical decisions should not be linked to moral arguments. Most of these scenarios are real life examples that would enthuse them to be engaged in meaningful discussion.


12.00 – 12.30

Veronika Králíková, Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic: How to deal with contract cheating


Contract cheating (also known as ghost writing) happens when a student has his assignment done by someone else and submits it as his own work. Researches show that 6-10% of students have their school work done by someone else, for example in Czech Republic it is estimated that the annual turnover of the market with contract cheating is more then 7 millions EUR. In the presentation we will briefly present the problem of contract cheating and its extend, you will learn good practices how to prevent it and how to recognise signs that might help you to discover work which wasn’t written by your student.


12.30 – 13.00

Salim Razi, Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University,Turkey: How to benefit from text-matching software similarity reports?


Text-matching software is believed to facilitate the detection of plagiarism by revealing the similarities of a text with the other sources. The strength of any software, in terms of catching the similarities, depends heavily on the size of its database. The databases may consist of internet files, articles published in academic journals, academic books, and assignments submitted by students. In addition to showing the similarities by highlighting the matches, a text-matching software also provides a similarity ratio in terms of percentage to the users. However, the numerical expression might be misleading for some users as it is not an uncommon practice that teachers simply depend on statistics rather than checking the assignments against plagiarism concerns. There are even institutional regulations where a threshold similarity ratio is set as a limit without dealing with the possibility of plagiarism incidents in a text. It is therefore crucial to approach these similarity reports with caution. Within this perspective, this session will present how to interpret similarity reports retrieved from text-matching software by taking both highlighted similarities and similarity ratios into consideration.
